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Welcome to the website of GF-SOL-AIR
Here we would like to inform you in detail about our company, our products and services.
The single room air handling unit Comfort Ventilation System CVS ® robusto got brothers and sisters .. The art of cloning of existing products and new designs is not limited to companies in the Far East. It's just much more convenient to save on expensive development costs and take advantage of known knowledge about manufacturing processes. The legal protection against this in our country is an illusion, especially for small companies .
The imagined as a shock of surprise triggers GF-SOL-AIR but not possibly from expected despair, but it is offered with an improved most stand up apparatus and will accommodate with selectable options. The improvements are patent pending and the new product name completion "ammerwind" is registered as trademark. The other proposed technical options are to enjoy the corresponding rights.
Quickly visit to the product page or click directly to the CVS ® ammerwind ®.
Comfort, all-day fresh air, moisture removal, best outdoor soundproofing, heating energy savings are important characteristics of the decentralized ventilation with heat recovery. Single room air handling units of GF-SOL-AIR ® are highly effective, most energy efficient, super quiet and easy to install (no long tubes required!)
Original from original developper with the best price / performance ratio, ideal for new construction as well as reconstructions, because easily adaptable!
More information can also be found at Wikipedia on the subject of recovery.
Now in the autumn of 2009 has become legally valid new Energy Saving Ordinance, 2009, still requires more sealing and insulation and also recorded Bestandbauten. If you want to sell a house, you need an Energy Performance Certificate, which you only get if the building complies with the new regulations.
However, the Energy Saving Ordinance are for older buildings with conservation values of about 30% satisfied for consumption before renovation because still KWL is not mandatory with heat recovery. But you would get easily 80-90% savings, if not more would be thrown out by the window, but with the easy retrofit, decentralized ventilation units of GF-SOL-AIR.
The simple system! Nevertheless superior to all others. The CVS ventilation device! Intelligent and reliable technology that provides comfort, well-being and lower energy expenditure.
Only when combining thermal insulation, building tightness and controlled ventilation with highly efficient heat recovery using the single room airing systems of GF-SOL-AIR together, you get an energy-efficient means economical building!
This during winter and summer.
As a dependent citizen you are able to defend, by changing permanently the supplier and at the same time you have to sink the own energy consumption. There is a hug potential at a lot of places, which is not still utilized.
We would like to help you, because our products help to earn a lot of heating energy, that means, money you have paid for gas / oil concerns /sheiks, will be brought mostly back to your property.