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Air for breath is our most important food!!!
The CVS-airing equipment.
Intelligent engineering, providing fresh air, comfort and low energy costs.
FAQ-single click onto a question
Frequent asked questions about Comfort Ventilation System CVS® from GF-SOL-AIR® and about subject correct airing:
Why is fresh air in closed rooms so important?
We spend approx. 90 % of our live in closed rooms. The air in the room is rapidly used, polluted with smells and toxics, reduces the well-being and the healthy also suffers in the long run.
How it is possible to reach a hygienic, perfect room climate?
A good room climate can be achieved only due to controlled airing. Permanently fresh proper air will be introduced, at the same time used air leaves the room. In contrary to an immediate airing, where it is possible that there is a lot of pollution during the big time lag, there is an regularly air exchange during the controlled airing, so that pollution remains on the lowest level.
Why is an pushed airing with the window not the same as controlled ventilation?
If you open the window, there will be an immediate air change, but in the winter the warm air will be lost with their energy content. Cold air comes inside which must be new heated.
In the hot summer months hot air will come inside, if it is already too warm. If the hot air cools down, high humidity values arises which do not let place for the own sweat. For this it is not possible that it vaporized and that it cools down. A situation which is very dangerous for a lot of people.
Beside the accompanying effect of supply air, street noise and unfiltered dusty air will come inside. Other plagues are pollen, bugs or even thefts.
Why is it possible to lose less warmth in the case of controlled ventilation with Comfort Ventilation System CVS®?
The Comfort Ventilation System CVS® contains a high effective counter flow heat exchanger, which detract air the biggest part of its energy in order to transfer it to the colder air. This principle is valid for the whole year:
In the winter the incoming fresh air is nearly as warm as the outgoing air.
In the summer the air is cool like the existing room air. Their temperature is determined by the new insulated cubic capacity.
How does it agree with the new energy saving regulation?
On one side, the EnEv demands a minimum of transmission losses and a maximum of leakiness of the houses, at the same time it demands good air quality through airing. This seeming conflict can be solved due to a controlled airing with high efficient WRG. Modern warmth reclaiming systems (WRG) use the room air of available warmth. Warm outgoing is getting energy for heating etc.
By the reduction of airing loss, the CO2-emmissions of your house will be reduced as at the same time the CO2-emmission of your heating system or of your energy supplier. An important target in the energy saving regulation!
How to air in the summer?
The heat exchange in the Comfort Ventilation System CVS® is made passively with the lowest energy demand for air flow drive. In the summer the company GF-SOL-AIR uses the same method as during the rest of the year, but at the day with lower air flows as during the night, in order to collect less humidity in the case of muggy weather, which can be eliminated in the night.
Is it possible to avoid effectively mould?
Mould can growth if there is wetness and organic material. The omnipresent mould spores settle there – they are smaller than the smallest pollens. They create a mycelium, which enters deeply in the wet humid base in which you can see new developed mould within a few days. This are new spores, which can be seen trough their colours, white up to black. There are more than 10000 kinds of moulds, 1/3 of them are unhealthy up to very toxic and under particular circumstances they are cancer-causing.
Controlled airing assures also the elimination of surplus humidity in the rooms due to the consistent air exchange. The consequence is that it is no possibility for mould to arise, because the most important livelihood is eliminated. Impalpable for us, the ventilation apparatus distributes with the dryer fresh air the heating warmth into the rooms, so all walls has the same temperature at the same time. There are no more low dew points. If the outside walls will be spread inside with the exchanged air, they are staying very dry.
For this subject, please see our info page!
Behind furniture and beds are often mould. How can it be avoided?
If big furniture are placed too near at the outside walls, warmth can not heat sufficiently these walls and due to the lower dew points the arising wetness can not dry.
If it is not possible to change the place for such furniture, the furniture should be departed 5 cm (minimum) of the wall in order to allow a sufficient circulation for the air. This is also advisable for beds. Due to the deep temperatures of such cold walls, there are often rheumatic complaints (not only mould).
For this subject, please see our info page!
In the past, there were fewer problems with mould!
This is correct, because old construction techniques are tolerant with energy use. Primary energy was very cheap; you paid less money for leakiness of windows and doors. This changed in the 70s with the energy shortage. Energy loss had been reduced with insulation and leaker windows and doors. The humidity exchange due to gaps and grooves isn't still possible. A better airing discipline of the inhabitants would be the solution!
The incoming humidity of 1, 5 l per person/day store to values of more than 80 to 100 % air humidity, if there is no regular air exchange. Low temperature reductions are sufficient for the condensation of water. The best insulated glasses are more warmth penetrable as modern construction material for walls, so that condensation begins there at any time.
For this, it is a correct decision to leave the ventilation disciplines a high-tech-apparatus, which eliminates the surplus humidity.
For this subject, please see our info page!
Our basement is humid at any time, although we air regularly and intensively. Could there be a fault of our part?
Sadly, the most basements are directly connected with the surrounding earth due to cost reasons, they are not insulated. This means, that there are mostly no temperatures which are higher than 10 – 12 degree, also if there will be heated. A lot of owner knows to air if it is very warm, but this is the false time:
Warm air with 60 % humidity contains 21, 5 g water per kg air at the case of 35°. In the cooler basement with walls with a temperature of 12 degree, 13 g must condensate. In the case of an room content of 120x2,50=300 m3 and a specific weight of the air of approx. 1,2 kg/m3 there is a multiplicated total water amount of 3,25 l. Wind or supplied air can duplicate this amounts, so that you can easily say, that there is rain in the basement.
The correct rule for airing in the basement is:
You have to air less or better you do not have to air if it is warm, you have to air much if it is cooler outside than inside!
Outside insulation would arise the temperature of the walls for several degrees. The reduced condensation amounts do not motivate the execution of this work, but now you are lying with the wall temperatures above the year mid temperatures, which means, that the time when it is cooler outside is significantly bigger and more often than vice versa. That means, in our regions you can use the controlled airing method as it is described in the golden rule!
Our penthouse is very hot in the summer, could controlled airing be helpful?
Basically yes. Premise that due to the constructional measures (insulation, leakiness, and shadowing effects) the direct entry of the sun warmth through the roof, walls and windows will be reduced on a minimum. Than it is possible that there will be a passively created cooling effect with the help of the controlled airing with WRG, because the existing construction mass of the walls and pavements can be used as cooling caps. The reason for this cooling effect is that the incoming energy is not able to heat the massive construction mass. The temperatures are staying stable due to the big storing capacity.
Important is also the basic relation of the air exchange between the uncontrolled window airing and controlled airing, which limited the air amount to moderate sizes. If there are at the case of opened windows amounts of between 100 and 1000 m³/h, it will be only 10 -20 in the case of KWL. The differences of the water energies and water quantities in the volumes are corresponding. In the case of window airing, the total energy content between outside and inside comes into the room and a part of the water vapour condensates and lades their condensation energy. At the CVS the heat exchange finds a little part of warmth inwardly, because the other 90 % of outgoing air is still transferred. The same is valid for the released condensation energy.
The controlled ventilation with WRG assures that the incoming air is barely warmer than the walls and the basements. This only costs the energy demand for the ventilation motors in order to activate the air exchange. It is logic, the total air has to run through the heat exchanger, that means the doors and the windows stay closed. It is better; otherwise there will be perhaps some disagreeable bugs.
Important is also the aspect of the humidity: During the window airing, a lot of muggy air will come inside, which cools down in the room, the humidity will increase to more than 90 or even 95 % relative humidity, so that there will be no reserves for the transpiration of the own sweat. It can not evaporate; ergo there is no cooling of the body. You will sweat more, but it is of no avail. You will find the room insupportable and finally overheating is imminent, the circulation can collapse.
Controlled ventilation allows to comparatively little muggy air to come inside, it cools down, but it is also a low amount of water, which will be absorbed by the walls/plaster. They buffer the humidity (needs time –window airing do not offer this time), so the relative humidity in the room is higher than outside (depends on the amount which is already buffered) that means, for sweating there are enough reserves, transpiration is totally adjusted, you can feel it, it cools fantastically.
The same method is naturally valid for other floors of the house.
It functions also in houses of the lightweight construction, if they have floor pavements as constructional mass.
How is the reaction of controlled ventilation to allergic persons?
Allergic persons can breathe again, in the case of controlled ventilation pollens and toxics do not come into the house. Directly laying on the WT, you can use filter which can be changed easily. For this dust will be kept away from the outside. An agreeable secondary effect is the reduction of acarians.
How looks it like with the noise?
Noise creates stress, in the case of controlled room ventilation windows and doors stay closed, for this there is a comfortable living climate without troublesome noises from outside. The Comfort Ventilation System CVS® only uses particularly small wall openings, so that the noise will be shield excellently (>48 dB). Inversely these openings offer less chance to hear into the rooms from the outside.
You can see the own emission from the appropriate data files or from the product overview. Please consider that smaller apparatus contain a smaller ventilator, which must circulate faster in order to get to the specified air flow. This makes them louder. Shortness has its price!
How does it behave with uninvited guests?
Mosquitoes, flies and other bugs stay outside. Burglars are alienated through the closed windows and doors. For this, the security of the inhabitants arises due to the controlled room ventilation.
How is it possible to use and to change the dust filter?
At the Comfort Ventilation System CVS® robusto und jumbo the use and change of the dust filer is very easy if the butterfly is open: You have to take out the filter mats which are laying on the WT and you have to clean them with a Hoover, after you have to assemble it.
How does the heat recovery works in the case of an unequal air flow?
Particularly at a one-side use of filters in the fresh air pipe, the total efficiency of the heat exchanger suffers very strongly. Amazingly the incoming fresh air seems to adjust the temperature to the room temperature which should correspond to a better effectiveness. The reason is that more air comes inside than goes out; the bigger air flow dominates the temperature of the smaller. The not used energy gets lost. Through the use of filter in both wall opening pipes can ameliorate the result in limited measure. But both filters will take a different quantity of dust, for this, the result remains that there will not be the best expectations in the case of utilisation without filters.
Are there any problems with pressure differences in the case of long lasting differences of the air flow?
No, the mentioned air flows are between 5 and more than 20 m³ per hour depending of the program choice. The pressure differences which must be covered by the ventilation motors are very small (some mm water head). Even at very leak buildings, the air flows come to rest, so that the difference isn’t measurable and the balance will be made from room to room, so that it is not noticeable. During the incoming and outgoing through the doors and a lot of leaky places at the house there is also a continuous pressure balance.
How can you differ between the different types of heat exchanger?
There is the regenerative principle and the recuperative principle of the heat exchanger. The regenerative principle uses a temporary store, which will be charged by the out coming air. The fresh air will be spared timely and local deferred and takes the energy. The energy technical effectiveness can reach more than 90 %. The temperature effectiveness is lying under 50 %. In the case of the temporarily deferred principle there is also an up and down of the temperature way.
The recuperative principles differ between the variants: Co-flow, counter current and cross flow heat exchanger. All variants have the similarities, that the air flows which flow by can be divided into numerous slim air films and which are separated through warmth transferring disks of metal or plastic foils. The flow direction of the part flows is defined referred to the description.
Co-flow and counter current heat exchanger can look identical and they can operate in both versions, but they deliver different results. Co-flow heat exchanger does not cross the 40 % effectiveness. Counter current heat exchanger deliver the best results up to 90 % in the case of ideal conditions.
Cross flow heat exchanger posses a quadratic profile, because the part flows which are flowing cross to each other must have the same length of path. The effectiveness does rarely cross the 60 %.
Heat exchanger from plastic foils with an effective level of more than approx. 90 %, how does it work?
No doubt, the warmth changeover value of plastic values is inferior to equal tight metal foils. But this plays a secondary role. Air has worse values. For this, it is more important to offer a big surface for the air flows and to initiate that the air molecules contact the separation foil so often as possible, where they can yield or take their energy. The temperature drop about the active transmission surface of the heat exchanger is very stable for a long time.
The difficulties during the development of the heat exchangers are time-consuming and expensive concerning the relevant demands in reference to the physical manners and the technical feasibility in the case of high quality demands and competitive costs at the same time.
Is there any kind of humidity recycling?
No. We think nothing of it, because the outgoing humidity is often charged with bad smells and it would come back to the fresh air side. Additionally the relationship of the humidity recycling is not controllable. Furthermore a humidity recycling isn’t possible in the case of dry air, because the outgoing air contains insufficient humidity, but here it would make sense. It is vice versa; too much humidity would come back, whereupon you would to eliminate it.
It is better to actuate with the volume control against the humidity: that means, if the air is too dry in the winter, you have to reduce the volume flow and vice versa. In the summer you must consider that humidity will be charged from the outside and from the inside. The condition would be worse by bigger flows. You have to downgrade despite high humidity, in order to avoid mugginess in the room. In the night it is cooler in our regions, also you can eliminate the collected humidity from the day.
How is it possible to reach flue freedom at the Comfort Ventilation System CVS®?
In the case of uncontrolled airing with windows there will be strongly flows with often very cool temperatures, particularly in horizontal direction, by the immediate air exchange. It is a difference in the case of controlled ventilation with the Comfort Ventilation System CVS®:
Through the installation of the CVS-ventilation apparatus at the inside of the outer wall and due to the concept of the destined air flow there will be a horizontal air flow, from above to below. For this, there will be a big recirculation way of the air, which isn’t nearly noticeable in the case of a low distance. The strong blowing is only noticeable at the outgoing opening, but here won't be the whereabouts of the inhabitants.
Should it be necessary to switch off the apparatus during the holiday or should it continue to run?
Even during longer absence from the flat or from the office, the Comfort Ventilation System CVS® delivers good work in order to eliminate disagreeable atmospheric load. For this we offer you with the CVSintellec a special “holiday program” which works with a smaller air flow, which is sufficient in order to obtain fresh air during absence. The energy demand reduces to less than 2 W. For this you have not to ask other people for airing during long absence periods.
Is it possible to use the Comfort Ventilation System CVS® also in the office?
Ofcourse, particularly here, fresh air is used permanently when a lot of people are sitting near by near. Unfortunately it will be aired to less, because due to uncontrolled airing by the window a lot of colleagues are endangers. Missing fresh air leads to a drop of power, stress and sensitivity for illness. This can be avoided low-priced.
But also in ateliers, in basements, laundries, garages and factories it is possible to use the Comfort Ventilation System CVS®. Everywhere where people stay, where pollution can arise, and where you can find the risk for mould, fox marks and musty smell, controlled airing with heat recovery is necessary. The list with the possible utilization is not at the end. Think also at winter garden, closed verandas etc.