The comfort Ventilation System CVS® robusto (phased out - replaced by CVS ammerwind)
- Small size ((HWD 44x28x11,5 cm), cover plate at the heat on the left side is bulged as handhold, strap hinge on the right side.
- Cover plate (symmetric) also on the left side deliverable for a surcharge of 10,00 €.
- High fan volume 8/14/20 m³ (Setting element 1/2/3) Version A and 6/10/14 m³
Version B (relaxation/sleeping room).
- Due to the bigger ventilation motors the emissions values are very low: 26 - 39 dBa version A and 20-3 1 dBa version B.
- High damping ratio of the external noise (>48 dB).
- Rapid elimination of waste humidity
- Heat recovery with high efficiency (~ 90%)
- Earns a big part of heating costs (dependent of the house type up to 70 %)
- In the summer the heat will be kept of, so that the flat is agreeable cool.
- Dust filter and pollen filter option before the heat exchanger resp. fan.
- Easy filter cleaning and filter change: 4 types are available (G3, G4, F5, F7)
- Very cheap!
- Smallest wall openings 62-68 mm Ø, foamed in plastic tubes (50 mm) avoid thermal bridging.
- Outside protection with rain protection, condensate dripper and insect screen.
- Rapid installation in less than 60 minutes (average)
- Immersible up to 6 cm into the wall
- Minimal energy demand 1 – 4 W at the case of security low voltage 12 V.
- Power supply unit stabilizes, electronically short circuit fuse inclusive
- 3 further types of power supply units with a good sphere available against surcharge
- Simple manual frost protection via blend door (Intermixture of warm room air to cold outdoor air) must be controlled daily once in the case of frost from – 5 degree C.
- Easy to clean